Arts Psychotherapy…

What it is and how it works?

Make creativity your pathway to self-discovery and inner peace.

We live through our bodies, using all our senses every day, but often rely on our rational thinking to see us through the challenges we face. This can make our resources appear quite limited. Our minds are useful for solving certain problems, but when it comes to something as complex as recovering from a traumatic experience, or recognising the desires of the heart, then the over-thinking mind can become part of the problem too.

This is where embodied arts therapy can help.

The expressive arts are a gentle way for clients to share their story in alternate ways, sometimes for the first time, expressing their thoughts and feelings using verbal and non-verbal communication. This holistic approach takes in the whole experience of the person, body, mind, and spirit. In this way, clients are encouraged to explore other possibilities and ways of being, without expectation or judgement. This process is a lot less directive than conventional talking therapies and can offer a refreshing, new way of exploring challenging issues.


My approach incorporates art forms such as writing, image-making, role-play and movement, with mindful awareness. It is informed by body-oriented psychotherapy, somatic experiencing, neuroscience, transpersonal psychotherapy, expressive arts therapy and mindfulness.

By including the whole body in the therapeutic process, we engage with the felt sense of our experience, not just the narrative, which can often become stuck in a negative loop. In this way different meanings may emerge, bringing new perspectives and understanding. This can lead to greater levels of acceptance and confidence in our ability to make positive choices and changes in our lives.

I work with a particular focus on cultivating a mindful awareness of our embodied experience, incorporating self-compassion and acceptance, as many times it is our self-judgement that can be one of the biggest hurdles. For more information on this approach go to Institute of Embodied Psychotherapy.

I believe we become empowered when we realise that the resources and solutions we seek are already within us. Arts psychotherapy can help you build an inner resource tool-kit, which you can access whenever you need it, now and in the future.

No previous experience of the arts is necessary, just a willingness to participate and explore.

What arts therapy can help achieve:

– To cope more effectively with stressful situations.

– A greater sense of purpose and clarity for what matters most.

– A deeper connection between you and the significant relationships you have in your life.

– An increased ability to find inner peace in a busy life.

– A heightened sense of self-awareness and the confidence to live authentically.

– Knowing how to move from feeling stuck to taking positive action.

– Understanding what motivates you and makes you feel inspired.

– Learning how to overcome negative recurring thoughts.

Jo is a person of great integrity, energy, and humour. She has a maturity and wisdom that brings so much... and offers therapeutic support in an accessible, and person-centred way, that works towards change.
— L.C. Arts Psychotherapist


Individual sessions cost £80 /hr in-person or £65 p/hr online or by phone. Concessions are available for students and those on low incomes.

If this has peaked your interest and sounds like something you’d like to explore, I’d love to hear from you. To arrange a time for an informal chat contact me at

I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.